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    Where Is Fiji Anyway? Fun Facts About Fiji Geography and Location for Visitors

    Want to learn more about Fiji geography and location before booking a trip to this incredible part of the world? Our team at Raiwasa Private Resort has put together a list of fun facts about Fiji and where it’s situated. Of course, we couldn’t fit every fact about Fiji into a single blog post, so if we didn’t answer your question or if our information leads to new questions, feel free to reach out via our website.

    #1: Location in the Pacific Ocean

    At Raiwasa, we often say that Fiji and our little island of Taveuni are located in the South Pacific. As this implies, Fiji is a group of islands in the southern part of the gigantic Pacific Ocean. To be more exact, the Fijian islands sit approximately 2,765 miles from the Hawaiian Island of Honolulu and 1,100 miles north of New Zealand’s North Island. If these distances are hare to visualize, suffice it to say that Fiji is splendidly remote with little but incredible ocean water in every direction.

    #2: Hundreds of Islands, One Country

    It can be confusing to learn that Fiji isn’t a single island, but a collection of many. In fact, there are 332 separate islands considered part of Fiji. Additionally, the country has 522 smaller islets that aren’t populated or developed, but they are still counted as land area in Fiji. As a collection of so many islands, Fiji is officially called an archipelago. There are other archipelagic countries in the world, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, and even the United Kingdom.

    #3: Impact of the International Dateline

    While you can always head east from Fiji to reach Hawaii and the rest of the United States, you’d wake up from that flight actually in the western part of the world. The reason for this trippy experience is the location of the International Dateline.

    The International Dateline isn’t an actual line or physical part of the map, but a man-made device location that indicates when one day ends and the next day begins. The International Dateline is set exactly half way around the world from the Prime Meridian, which is located in Greenwich, United Kingdom. That means this essential, if imaginary line, falls just east of Fiji. That makes Fiji one of the first places in the world to experience each new day.

    #4: Population Density on the Islands

    Another interesting aspect of Fiji geography is how and where people live on the islands. Of the 332 islands, only 106 are populated. Nearly 70% of Fiji’s permanent population lives on the archipelago’s biggest island, Viti Levu. There are two major cities and several other larger towns located on Viit Levu, whereas most of the other islands, including Taveuni, only have local villages.

    In contrast to Viti Levu, Fiji’s second biggest island, Vanua Levu, accounts for nearly 30% of Fiji’s land area, but only 15% of the country’s population. Taveuni, which is Fiji’s third-largest island, is even less populated than these nearby islands.

    #5: A Country Built by Volcanoes

    All of the Fijian islands are volcanic. The entire archipelago was formed roughly 150 million years ago by the eruption of underwater volcanoes. The lava hardened on the ocean’s surface and eventually cultivated plant life and greenery. Now, 150 million years later, the Fijian Islands are a collection of lush, tropical land that is perfect for an island vacation. Also, most of Fiji’s volcanoes are now dormant and haven’t erupted in modern history.

    #6: Coral, Coral Everywhere

    One of Fiji’s most beloved and fascinating geographic feature doesn’t lie above the water, but below the ocean’s surface. Fiji’s coral reefs are some of the best in the world, and also some of the best-preserved reefs. In total, Fiji is home to over 10,000 square kilometers, which is approximately 3,860 square miles, of coral reef. Even more impressive than the sheer size of these reefs is the diversity. An estimated 45% of all coral species on the planet can be found in Fiji.

    Want to See Fiji for Yourself?

    Reading about a beautiful destination, such as Fiji, is fascinating. There is a great deal of information about Fiji’s incredible jungle and stunning marine ecosystem, but all of these facts are better when experienced in person. And now is the time for your Fiji vacation. Contact our team at Raiwasa to learn more.